Private psychologist in Barcelona.
Collaborator of Umbral, psy association, psy network.

- Psychologist at Addiction Méditerranée, Preventive and Care Center for Addiction (CSAPA). Marseille, 2010-2017.
Individual sessions, teamwork.
- Replacements at the Saint Barnabé clinic, a specialized clinic in addictions and alcoholism treatment. Marseille, 2009.
Individual sessions, group therapy.
- Psychologist at the Pressensé Hospital (E. Toulouse Hospital, adult psychiatry). Marseille, 2005.
Individual sessions, psychodrama, music listening therapeutic workshop.
- Psychologist at the Osiris association in a Reception Center for Asylum Seekers (CADA). Marseille, 2010-2016.
Individual sessions ( constulations with interpreters).
- Psychologist at Médecins du Monde (Doctors of the world) (CASO). Marseille, 2009.
Setting up of a « psychic suffering listening unit ».
Participation in a national survey on « psychological suffering ».
- Coordinator of the language department at the IBN Battuta association. Barcelona, 2007-2008.
- 2018 – 2019 : Professor at the Superior School of Psychology, Casablanca (Morocco).
First and second year teaching and supervision of end of study dissertations (Master).
1st year : teaching of the fundamental texts of S. Freud.
2nd year : psychoanalysis after S. Freud until J. Lacan.
- 2011-2016 : Trainer at the Addiction Federation (Fédération addiction), Paris.
Professional formation : « Psychoanalysis lightning for addiction care ».
(Public : doctors, psychologists, nurses, educators, health & medical personnel).
The transference, a clinical concept for health & medical professionals.
The lack in addiction : a psychoanalytic conception.
Object-relationship and clinical relationship.
Alcohol as a symbolic object, the case of prohibition in the United States.
- 2011-2016 : Interventions within the Marseille healthcare network.
Main clinical concepts of psychoanalysis :
The concept of anxiety by J. Lacan.
Psychological care for migrant subject.
Addiction and wandering.
- 2003 : Lecture course in an amphitheater for the IMF (Mediterranean Institute for Training and Research in Social Work), Marseille.
« The symbolic function of exchange in social interactions (E. Goffman and the Chicago school) ».

2019 : « Identity challenged by exile », IX Migration Congress, CER-Migrations, UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona).
2019 : « Place of the Other, identity and symbolic debt », Annual symposium of the Superior School of Psychology, Casablanca.
2017 : « One is not born a man, one becomes one ».
Published in the review : Outre-Terre, 2017/3 (N ° 52).
2016 : « The suffering of the migrant, the disarray of the professional », symposium «The reception of cultural diversity », ANTHEA Association. Aix-en-Provence
2015 : « Transmission and trauma in psychoanalysis », scientific meeting days of IMERA (University research laboratory for anthropologists / psychologists). Marseille.
2014 : « Identity in exile : between the fear of oblivion and the unconscious phantasy of betrayal », symposium « Migrants », 33rd day of the Psychiatric Information Society. Avignon.
Published in the review : L’information psychiatrique, 2015/1, vol. 91.